be magpie’s guest

It’s easy to let people have ideas about who I am. As a yoga teacher, the assumptions about me are usually that I’m nice, kind, warm and generous. And, I am!

Of course, I can also be mean, petty, jealous and selfish. If you hang around Blogasana, you’ve read about the sassy tangos between these two sides.

Stepping more fully into this duality and exposing my darker side has been scary. And strangely freeing.

My guest post at Magpie Girl is no exception. When Rachelle asked me to write for her Relig-ish series about living a spiritual hybrid, the only answer that came was about my marriage.

This was the hardest and most honest post I’ve written and I thank Rachelle for the opportunity. Reflecting on my past, my beliefs and the path that has led me to this Right Now has been a lovely gesture of self-acceptance, integration and wholeness.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the Magpie post.

Happy weekend!

3 Responses to “be magpie’s guest”

  1. 1 Brittany August 26, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    Michelle, what a great post. I really appreciate your honesty and openness.

  2. 2 Amy --- Just A Titch August 27, 2011 at 12:10 am

    What an amazing post, dear friend. Wow. Love it. I often feel the same: that in order to pursue something, everything must fall into place. The beauty is when you learn to blend it all and it just works. Love it. And you.

  3. 3 madyoga August 27, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    Hm. I left a comment on the Magpie site, but it’s not showing up, so I’ll just tell you here…

    Beautiful. Heart wrenchingly honest and thoughtful. Well done.

How about you?

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